2019 Birds – (Jan-March)

It’s getting to that time when listings of the best of the year come out for many things. Here are some of my best birds of the first quarter of 2019 – nice to remember on a cold December spitting snow day.

We took an abbreviated trip to Florida and later spent several weeks in Arizona.

Loggerhead Shrike at Fontainebleau State Park
Anhinga catching the rays.
Great Egret in Louisiana.
Broad-billed Hummers posing in the sun at Madera Canyon Lodge.
A Bewick’s Wren.
Vermillion Flycatcher.
Acorn Woodpeckers are raucous and fun to watch.
This Rivoli’s Hummingbird was a life bird
Elegant Trogon
Violet-crowned Hummingbird