Yesterday afternoon, I was sitting out back near the river reading in the shade, with Ginger on my lap. I was missing seeing the inquisitive Common Yellowthroats and aerobatic Eastern Kingbirds, and many others — it was bittersweet to realize that most of our summer birds are suddenly gone.
Movement caught my eye and two large birds languidly flew upstream, right in front of me. A Great Blue Heron and what — a Great Egret, passed by side by side, circled to fly back down stream leaving me surprised to say the least. While I see Great Egrets elsewhere, I’ve never seen one here — and especially accompanied by a heron who decided to peel of and perch in a big White Pine. The egret landed just upstream.
I had no camera with me but I gathered the dog, jogged up to the house, grabbed my Canon and returned — and took a few photos. I suspect both birds are on their way south today but that last look was very special.

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What a treat, Dick! I’ve never been able to intentionally find, or photograph, one of these in central Vermont. A beautiful bird.