I’ve been watching the temperatures in Vermont finally climb into the 40’s and hearing reports of signs of spring. I even emailed my friend who with his wife, keeps an eye on the house, and he replied that "Your driveway is opening up nicely" with the caveat that the Airstream could not make it.
Then later today, I got an email from my brother Barry with one sentence, "Don’t hurry home" and attached this photo of our driveway.
Meanwhile, we are cruising up Highway 59 in Mississippi looking at a dashboard that gives this picture.
So while we have a kind offer from friends Helen & Shawn for a temporary storage spot at their place in Montpelier, I think we are going to wait a bit, as originally planned, before heading too far north.
I just saw a pair of Hooded Warblers here at Clarko State Park and the Northern Cardinals are singing loudly as we enjoy a nice summer-like evening.