The snow is melting, back roads are muddy, and every week new birds show up. Downy Woodpeckers, here in our backyard all year, are some of our favorites – and we get to see their fledglings in a few months.

American Crows are very active, hassling hawks like this Red-tailed, and often gathering in groups, known as “murders.”

Likewise, Red-winged Blackbirds and Common Grackles, recent arrivals, forage together.

Turkey Vultures arrived about two weeks ago. Note the wing dihedral and wingtip feathers.

Another year-round bird which is fun to watch and hear is the Tufted Titmouse. This one was in a tree out back.

And sometimes, nothing is out and about — but this guy popped up in the only hole in the pond. It looks like he saw his shadow.

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