As most of the warblers, hummers, and flycatchers have left for warmer climes, I’ve been looking for birds that are packed but not quite ready to go. Here are some from last week.

Ducks, except for a few hardy Mallards, will likely be migrating next month, just in time for hunting season. There are a lot of young Common Mergansers still around.

Likewise, Wood Ducks are out and about.

Most flycatchers are gone but the ones remaining are silent and still confusing.

While the avian departure is bittersweet, it’s time to recall past winter birding and the prospect of Hawk Owls, Snowy Owls, finches, grosbeaks, crossbills ……
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Nice, I always enjoy your comments and the pics. Down here in North Caolina at 4000 feet elevation, we had 4 hummers at our feeders this morning. They’ll be gone soon, I’m betting.
Where are you in NC? Nice to hear from you.