We’ve had a warm fall, as witnessed by the number of ticks on Ginger and the number of birds hanging around. Most migrating birds have left but I still hear a Carolina Wren every morning. Several days ago, I was on an early walk with the dog and saw a bird upstream, and returning a bit later with my camera, found this pretty male Hooded Merganser, hiding amongst the branches of a fallen tree. I suspect he’s headed out.

Today, I saw this Great Blue Heron right out back of the house. He was wary and flushed right after a few shots.

Later, on another dog walk, three Common Mergansers were hanging out just upstream from the house. Access because of brush was challenging but here they are.

It’s nice to use binoculars and the camera without gloves but I’m ready for some change. Snow tires are going on tomorrow. Stay tuned.
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