Wastewater Birding

Some of the best places to visit for birds around the world are wastewater treatment facilities. The lagoons and wetlands provide a rich environment and in arid areas, a handy source of water. While security issues have restricted access to many such places, they still, as I found out this week, a handy place to visit.

First, on this chilly day, let’s virtually visit a couple of my favorite sites. The Leonabelle Turnbull Birding Center at the Port Aransas Wastewater Treatment Facility is one of the hotspots along the Texas coast. Not only are the birds plentiful, they are accustomed to visitors and allow pretty close access.

This Pied-billed Grebe was grooming away in a variety of poses. It was neat to see his feet in action.

In California, The San Elijo Lagoon just north of San Diego is an innovative reclamation site for treated wastewater with great trails and a wide variety of birds. 

The Anna’s Hummer was a life bird.

The facilities in the Northeast tend to have few lagoons or wetlands but some, like the operation in nearby Waterbury, have aerated cells which stay open all winter. There were several young Herring Gulls and a few dozen Ringed-bill Gulls gathered on a cold day earlier this week.


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March Backyard Birds – 2

As the snow slowly recedes, it’s fun to recall the birds who rode out the last big storm. Mourning Doves are here every day regardless of weather.

We have had many more American Tree Sparrow than we normally do.

This, I believe, is a Song Sparrow feeding in the back yard. They now are singing – last week they were thinking more about food.

Northern Cardinals are always handsome, but this guy was spectacular in the new snow.

Lastly, my birding companion loves to romp in new powder – last time for her this winter.

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March Backyard Birds – 1

Less than a week ago, we waded through a foot of new powder snow to get out to the river.

White-breasted Nuthatches show up every day
As do Blue Jay’s
Red-winged Blackbirds just arrived
This Carolina Wren has been here all winter

Lots of melting and new arrivals on the river this week – and it’s a great time to anticipate warmer and better days ahead.

Posted in Backyard birds, Local Birding, migration, Vermont Birding, Winooski River North Branch | Tagged | Comments Off on March Backyard Birds – 1

Hoodies in the sun

After a foot or more of new snow, the Hooded Mergansers, that were in the midst of the storm last post, were cruising under blue skies the next day, right at the end of our path. Looks like they’re in the mood for a spring fling.

Note: I am having trouble having photos show on the email posts. If you click on the url, they show. Working on it ……

Posted in Local Birding, migration, Vermont Birding | 4 Comments

Hoodies in the Snow

Midst a major snowstorm, hopefully the last of the season, we’ve had a lot of activity in the backyard including the resident Carolina Wren, dozens of goldfinches, and even a mink and a beaver. Today, a pair of Hooded Mergansers showed up on the open river, so I donned boots and went out to see them. Unfazed by the snow, they foraged away, and cruised like it was July.

Perhaps we’ll see them with chicks in a few months. They’re a nice sight on a snowy afternoon.

Note: I am having trouble having photos show on the email posts. If you click on the url, they show. Working on it ……

Posted in Local Birding, Vermont Birding, Winooski River North Branch, Yard birds | 2 Comments

Vitamin C

We still have some fruit left on trees around town and in the last few weeks, large flocks of birds have hit them. Perhaps the best are the Cedar Waxwings, which are beautiful, if not noisy with the high-pitched calls.

American Robins come and go and join in the feasting.

The other day, I heard lots of bird song coming out of a large bush downtown and knew that I’d find House Sparrows.

I’m still looking for Bohemian Waxwings, Grosbeaks, Redpolls, and other potential visitors but these guys were fun to encounter.

Posted in Birding With Ginger, Local Birding, Winter Birds | 2 Comments

February Swimming Hole

We have had a pretty rugged winter, with lots of subzero temperatures and several significant snowstorms. Most ponds and our river out back froze quite solid. Only in the last few days, have we had temperatures in the forties to allow some thawing.

Today, on a walk with Ginger, I found a group of about 40 Mallards hanging out in one of few areas of open water, in downtown Montpelier.

I counted 42 Mallards

The weather up ahead is forecast in the teens and below – hunker down folks.

Posted in Birds, Winooski River North Branch, Winter Birds, Winter Birds | 1 Comment

An Early Arctic Visitor

Last week a friend contacted me to let me know that a Snowy Owl had shown up on his patch. I was out birding with my gear and within a half-hour, was looking at the wayward bird from up north. I grabbed a few photos at range and left it undisturbed. I held off reporting it due to the sensitive area it was in and by request of my friend. It was not seen again – probably departing that night.

Check right!
Check left!
OK, get your picture and scram.

I saw a Snowy in March — this one is early. Always a treat.

Posted in Irruptive migrant, Local Birding, Owls, Vermont Birding | 1 Comment

Backyard Birds 2

Some of the visual treats for us are the mergansers, both hooded and common, who motor past our spot on the river. The last few days, between snow squalls, some handsome Hoodies have been out and about. They’ll head south soon.

Ice patches are starting to form along the river’s edge — it will be months before I can get shots like this in Vermont. Happy Thanksgiving.

Posted in Local Birding, Vermont Birding, Winooski River North Branch | 1 Comment

Backyard Birds 1

Living next to a river is great — we paddle on it, ski on it some winters, and have an ever-delightful array of wildlife to watch. On perhaps my last paddle of the year, I flushed these mallards just upstream of the house.

We’ve had a summer-long affair with a Great Blue Heron who shows up for a while, is gone for weeks, and returns and day after day is right out back.

“Snow in the forecast, think it’s time to get out of Dodge.’
Posted in Backyard birds, Local Birding, Vermont Birding, Winooski River North Branch | Tagged | 1 Comment