We’ve had a Nor’easter forecast for a week and it’s hitting today. Yesterday Ginger and I took several outings and found a number of interesting birds along the river.
In an early walk, I surprised a few Mallards, only to notice that one was a diving duck. It was a first sighting for this spot, a Ring-necked Duck who was actively feeding for about an hour.

The Mallards were busy in the icy water as well. The second photo is some of them just ten days ago.

We’ve been seeing a Great Blue Heron nearly every day in December but yesterday, he was situated on our path blocked by brush. So you’ll have to believe me but you can see part of his beak and coloration, and his back.

This pair of Hooded Mergansers has delighted us — they don’t breed for a few months but they look ready to rock and roll. Enjoy

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