Pine Siskins often arrive like shoppers on Black Friday morning (pre-Covid), chattering, jostling, always moving toward a better deal. I see them first in the recently-bare trees in the backyard.
They flock to the feeder and especially the ground beneath it where finches and others have left sunflower seed parts.
After several hours of frenzy, they were off, leaving the finches to carry on with relative politeness.
Nice shots, Dick. Question: saw a few birds today in Montpelier, looked to me like whiskey jacks, at least that’s what I thought. Are Canadian Jays the same thing? Didn’t know if they would be in this area at this time.
I don’t think Canadian Jays get down this far. May be Tufted Titmice which we get here but which I never saw in Middlesex. We get dozens of Blue Jays ever day. Nice to see you – stay positive- tough few days ahead.