There is a medley of bird songs in the early hours these days and here are a few of the chorus members.
One of the most common songs is from the many Chestnut-sided Warblers whose “pleased to-pleased to meet ya” calls are easy to identify.Likewise, the Ovenbird’s “teacher, teacher, teacher” can drown out others trying to get a song in edgewise. The Northern Waterthrush has a distinct call -a loud, ringing, three-part “sweet sweet sweet swee wee wee chew chew chew chew” according to the Cornell site. This guy perched patiently for me as I dealt with a dog leash, binoculars, and the Canon.
Just down the road, these Yellow Warblers were singing, flirting, and just jumping around. They are easy to see but tough to photograph.
Driving Vermont backroads, some early mornings you see more birds than vehicles. It reminds me of the neat bumper sticker, “Caution, I brake for birds.”