It’s “stick season” in Central Vermont: the leaves are down, most of the birds have left, and hunting season is yet to start. It’s a great time to hike in the woods. I’ve often leave my binoculars and camera in the car – and have recently started to focus, with my iPhone, on other things I see on outings. I’ll start with a mailbox I saw this summer on a backroad.

Old farms have all sorts of interesting things in their woods, like these two “fixer-upper” projects.

Quartz outcroppings show up nicely this time of year.

When I’m not concentrating on seeing and hearing birds, I seem to notice a lot more around me as we walk – I guess there’s a lesson there. Just being able to get out and walk for a hour or two without meeting anyone is a blessing in these tough Covid-19 days. Be safe.
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