Tag Archives: Birding with Ginger
An Afternoon Surprise
Yesterday afternoon, I was sitting out back near the river reading in the shade, with Ginger on my lap. I was missing seeing the inquisitive Common Yellowthroats and aerobatic Eastern Kingbirds, and many others — it was bittersweet to realize … Continue reading
Morning Paddle
This morning, Ginger and I spent an hour or so on the river, launching from our backyard with leash, paddle, and camera. Just upstream, this little Painted Turtle watched us but stayed put on his sunny spot. There were dozens … Continue reading
Common Yellowthroats
The other afternoon, I was sitting in the shade down by the river, reading a book with Ginger in my lap. Several Common Yellowthroats were feeding in the bushes around us and having my camera, I quietly took some photos. … Continue reading
Posted in Local Birding, Vermont Birding
Tagged Backyard birds, Birding with Ginger, Common Yellowthroat, local birding, Vermont Birding, Washington County
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Invasives Trail
Just a short walk from our house is a short trail along the river, part of the city trails system, named the Invasives Trail. Along with Japanese Knotweed and other invasives, it host a lot of birds. Many people help … Continue reading
A Morning Surprise
Ginger and I usually take a short walk every morning – same route, same routine. Yesterday, we came across these two Great Blue Herons, birds we haven’t seen for a month or so on the river. After a short photo … Continue reading
Some Local Birds
Over the past weeks, in spite of the challenges of foliage, I’ve managed to see a number of birds who are easy-to-hear but hard-to-see. The best example is the Red-eyed Vireo, who persistently calls from high in trees, rarely moving. … Continue reading
Posted in Local Birding, Vermont Birding, Vermont roadside
Tagged American Goldfinch, Baltimore Oriole, Birding with Ginger, Flycatchers, Red-eyed Viero, Veery, Vermont Birding, Washington County
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Chestnut-sided Warblers
The “pleased to-pleased to-meet you” song of the the Chestnut-sided Warbler is for me, one of the easiest calls to remember. On the other hand, the warblers, always on the move and usually partly hidden by branches and foliage, are … Continue reading
Yellow Warblers
Another challenging bird to photograph, Yellow Warblers are easy to spot, often at eye level, and have an easy to recognize song. (“sweet sweet sweet I’m so sweet”) If they’d only stop moving, never pausing to catch a breath. We … Continue reading
Common Yellowthroats
When I think about photographing warblers, the Common Yellowthroat pops up as an ongoing challenge. Everywhere with their “witchety-witchety-witchety” call they are usually buried in bushes and always on the move. This gives you the idea: Yellowthroats stay low so … Continue reading
Posted in Local Birding, Vermont Birding, Warblers, Washington County
Tagged Birding with Ginger, Common Yellowthroat, Vermont Birding, Warblers, Washington County
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Perching Birds
Usually I go out birding with no objective other than to get some exercise and see what’s happening avian-wise. This morning, after finding this Common Merganser perched on a log, I decided to see what else I could find — … Continue reading