Tag Archives: wild turkey
Some Backyard Birds -2025
In the last week or so, we’ve had some interesting visitors to our backyard patch. We get woodpeckers every day and here’s a Hairy. More often these days, we are delighted to see and here Red-bellied Woodpeckers like this morning’s. … Continue reading
Let’s Roll
Suffice it to say there’ve been a few distractions since my last post. Dog injury, Covid, and lousy weather have hindered my birding but focusing on positive things these days, I’m getting out and working on my bird list for … Continue reading
More Mergs
While most birds along river have departed, we still are seeing mergansers on our daily walks. Here are a few from the last few weeks. And a few Hoodies. With Thanksgiving coming, here are some Wild Turkeys from this mornings … Continue reading
Posted in Vermont Birding
Tagged Birding with Ginger, mergansers, Vermont Birding, Washington County, wild turkey
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Platonic Turkey Love
Yesterday I came upon a dozen or more Wild Turkeys and just like last year’s post in mid-April — the guys were displaying — the hens were in a “get lost, Buster” mood.
Posted in Local Birding, Vermont Birding
Tagged Birding with Ginger, local birding, Vermont Birding, Washington County, wild turkey
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Turkey Trot
The other day, I came upon a dozen turkeys having a little get-together. Normally super cautious, they sort of ignored me as they romped in the tall grass. Spring was in the air….
Posted in Local Birding, Vermont Birding
Tagged bird watching, local birding, Vermont Birding, Washington County, wild turkey